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August 30, 2013

Laura Bear and Domaine Home

I was pleasantly surprised to see my coffee table featured on Domaine Home this morning as a part of their 
1st edition of "Show Us Yours" featuring coffee table styling.

You can see the feature [here].

What a nice way to start off this long weekend!

This might be our last weekend just the 2 of us (I'm due on Wednesday!), 
so we talked about spending one entire day in bed, only getting up to make brunch and order take out! We'll see if we can pull it off... 
we also plan to hit the beach, eat a lot of watermelon and fried chicken and maybe even squeeze in a matinee movie.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend you guys!



Chrissy said...

That is wonderful and absolutely deserved! Enjoy your weekend Mama and Papa Bear!! Hugs xxx

Diana Mieczan said...

How wondetful,sweetie:)Btw: happy due day!!!! :) xoxo

Laura Bear said...

Thank you both! :)