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August 23, 2013

Laura Bear Books

Have you guys seen this app, Good Reads?
I like it because I can keep track of books that I would like to read, and ones that I have read.
The scanner is really handy too.... no typing necessary.
I haven't quite figured out how to get it to give me helpful suggestions though.

So far the 3 above were great for summer reads... easy, fast and fun.
Although I just started Beautiful Ruins so I can't say much, other than the descriptions of the scenery is beautiful!

I also just read this book, Wild. No pretty pic to show you as I already returned it.
It was a really interesting and fun read. I both liked her and thought she was a bit off her rocker. I recommend it.

Something about summer that makes me feel 100% ok with reading girly / somewhat trashy / super fast reads.
Then when Fall and winter comes I feel like I need to read classics and history novels... weird!

So tell me, what have you been reading this summer?
I am going to need to pick up another book soon and would love to squeeze in another summer read or two!

I am thinking this will be next.

Have a great weekend you guys! Hope you can relax and read!



Ria said...

Man I need to find time to read again. I miss it so much.

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

i feel the same as Ria - 'specially after seeing those darling book covers. they're really something! liking the "easy,fast,fun" motto too. right up my alley :) happiest Sunday swells Laura! ♥

Diana Mieczan said...

While in malta I read Eat, Memory Great Writers at the Table. It's a fantastic collection of essays from the NY Times. I also read Bringing up bebe - such a great book! Btw: Love your next book choice. I need to read it too. Muah, sweetie