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August 21, 2013

Laura Bear is 38 weeks!

Officially 38 weeks preggo!! So that whole waiting game is now fully on!
We have been trying to enjoy these last few weeks of "just us" to it's utmost fullest.
On Sunday we hosted brunch with friends as one last entertaining horrah! (at least for a little bit ;) )
I made 2 quiches... sups proud of them... 
One was Asparagus, bacon, shallot with gruyere & the other was a sun dried tomato, mushroom, spinach and goat cheese quiche
I used my mom's pie crust recipe (that has been passed down from my Great Grandma) ... I totally ate so much quiche, like woah. 
Also made this baked oatmeal (seriously the easiest recipe and I highly recommend it for an easy breakfast when you have company), 
fruit salad and french toast made from cinnamon swirl bread... yum ok I am hungry just typing this...

We also made a bloody and mimosa bar that was a big hit. It makes it so much easier for guests to help themselves. 
Totally doing that for all brunch's going forward!!

Other than that we have been languishing in these last few weeks of August,
 trying to get to the beach as much as possible, and reading as many trashy summer reads as I can. 

How is your summer wrapping up?

Next mimosa bar I think I would like to attempt these!

Have a happy Hump day!

PS: I have had a few people ask which account was mine... you can find me right here on -> Bloglovin


Thelma Frayne said...

Laura, you must be so excited. Sending you lots of love xox

Secondhand Stella said...

Ooo, love the idea of the drinks bar. I need to try something like that for my next party :)

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

lookin' good lady! happiness prevails and man alive do you ever suit pregnancy, just glowing from top to tip :) the brunch festives sounded like a blast and super yummy too! great patio space to host such a fun event. ♥

Unknown said...

Looks like a very tasty meal, yum!