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September 6, 2013

Baby bear is being lazy....

Well we are at 40 weeks and 2 days today.
Yesterday the hubster picked up the camera while we were just hanging out in our breakfast nook.
He said he wanted to document "having made it to the end"... upon which hearing that made me all weepy [of course]...
so he then corrected himself and said... "made it to the beginning!" ... oh hormones...
so here are a lot of pictures of me and my belly at 40 weeks...
SO I think it is about time to pop this little one out! 
Lots of raspberry leaf tea and I tried taking the steps 2 at a time...once... that was the only time that will happen.
... any other advice or old wives tales for me? I'm willing to try anything...


Alecia said...

You look fantastic! Also I love love your dress - so beautiful

xx Alecia

Chrissy said...

You look so beautiful!
Well, there are a few things one can do.. take a walk, take a warm bath...I guess she will let you know when she's ready to make her debut! Good luck - thinking of you! xxx

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

awe Laura, i'm so thrilled he brought out the camera to capture these beautiful images of you and the babes!!! glad he "came correct" with his choice in words too ;) i share your sentiment lades, Sean sometimes gets himself into a ton of trouble with the way he says things. a woman's wrath...or tears pretty much befuddle a man, poor guys!

cheers to happy beginnings!!! xo ♥

Natalie - The Senses Five said...

Labor sucks. Don't rush it. Ha! Just kidding. I tried everything and nothing worked. Annoyingly it "happens when it happens." I'm convinced people just pay tribute to the random thing the were doing to eating at the time.
But you should shop.
Wander around Target.
Not because it will put you in labor, but because you'll be stuck home for a while mentally ready for an outting and physically incapable.

Good luck mama! You'll see her soon and it will be awesome!

Jessica said...

teehee, I love Natalie's advice!

I know you're antsy to see the little one, but she'll be here soon enough. You look gorgeous.

k said...

you are looking gorgeous!!! have you seen that hilarious youtube video where the pregnant girl dances around to this song (ok so i'm forgetting all the details) but she says it moves along things...but i tried it and it didn't, mine was 11 days overdue!

Maryn said...

You look lovely! So chic.

Diana Mieczan said...

You look so so so beautiful:) I keep on thinking about you since last week...My friend says that spicy food should help:) Happy morning, lovely.