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October 22, 2013

Ila Rose - Baby Bear

She's HERE! :)
ila rose was born September 12th at 4:25 pm
9 pounds 21 inches

We are so in love!!

Here are a few other fave images on insta...

Thank You so much for all of your kind thoughts and words while I was out!
I fit back into my pre-preggo jeans today, which means it's time to get back to business! :)


Mandy Crandell said...

So, so precious! Her name is perfect.

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

oh Laura, i feel as though i've been waiting by your blog steps for a sighting of your gorgeous babe! she's just beautiful and i agree with Mandy, her name is lovely as can be. totally suits her darling, but very wise face.

the photos are beyond-beyond special, that little zip up fluffy coat one makes my heart warm right up. so cute!!!!!!

huzzah's for making it back into your jeans already, yah! you've got to be on top of the world right now, wishing you so many blessings...for you and your fams. xo ♥

Secondhand Stella said...

Love that last one. Can't wait to meet her :)

Ann said...

She looks so adorable.

Diana Mieczan said...

Oh my goodness, she is so beautiful:) HUGE congrats, darling and I love her name. Aww...those photos melt my heart. Happy Halloween:) xoxo