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December 18, 2013

Laura Bear's Christmas Tree

 Well we picked up our christmas tree and decorated it last week.
We ended up going to a different place than [the one] that we went to last year.
This year we went to Abbey Farms.... the fact that you get free homemade doughnuts was a big deciding factor.....

I needed a picture of myself for that kitchy kitchen post, so my "tree gettin'" pictures turned into ootd pictures. ha...
so here are the details with affiliate always, thank you for supporting the brands that make Laura Bear possible...

Sweater here / hat here / shirt here / pants here / boots here / jacket here

Also, I made a video of our tree getting adventure... you can see it [ here ] :)

and here is our tree this year!! .......
Here is our tree [ last year ], and in [2011] and [2010].
Amazingly enough, this is our tenth christmas tree! We have lived together that long and we have always had a tree... crazy.
I think for a 10th tree, this is a pretty good one!

Here's to a productive week ahead! Heading to the post office now... wish me luck...



Secondhand Stella said...

Love those boots!

Tree looks extra pretty. Love the star on top.

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

tenth tree bliss is what! that shot on the car is all kinds of amazing. i mean the color of the car is even RED! how rad, seriously.

loving your ootd too. pretty patterned boots and darling sweater! every one of these photos looks straight out of the pages of Domino mag or something. really stellar Christmas spirit going on!!

wishing you all a wondrous holiday, hope it's filled with much goodness and peaceful pleasures. ♥