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January 13, 2015

#IlaRoseBabyBear - 1st Birthday Party

Delayed on posting these but...

Ila's 1st birthday.. She wasn't so sure about the whole party idea,
mostly because she was napping at the start and woke up to a house full of enthusiastic guests.
But as soon as she tasted her first bite of cake, well she was all in.

the cake decorator wrote "Happy Birthday Ila" and then asked me "it's spelled I-L-A, right?"
and he wrote I-L-A below the cake text box..which was then translated to be a repeat of her name -- ah well :)
 ^^^Ila's not so sure

^^the cutest sisters ever... slow clap for the parents of triplets +1 cutie.
Also  polka-dots, flowers, elmo, pink... the theme of this children's birthday party was "all the things" 
