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September 9, 2013

Laura Bear's Beauty Binge

What do you do when you are about a week past your due date and feeling like a sweaty hippo? go on a beauty binge... something to spruce up the ole' Laura Bear arsenal...

I have been lovinnnggg the Bumble & Bumble Surf Spray, Shampoo & Conditioner...
and with long hair I kind of blow through a lot of it... restock... check!

I also grabbed a bottle of Queen Helen Mint Julep mask...
I had a bottle of this before we moved... not sure where it ran off to... but at $3.99, no biggie!
This is a great all purpose mask that makes me feel glow-y. It dries hard to the awesome teenage-sleepover green color.

I am trying out this Thayers Rose Petal and Witch Hazel toner.
I really like how clean my face feels after using a toner, but I dislike how dry most toners make your skin.
This Thayers version has aloe vera in it and my skin feels really nice after... so far loving!

Also I picked up a few unnecessaries ... rose water... just to splash on everything. It smells so good.
And Josie Maran Whipped Argan Oil Ultra-Hydrating Body Butter.. it has a nice apricot scent that lasts all day.
Plus, it doesn't have any nasty ingredients in it, so baby can lick my arm without worries.
I am in need of a new body wash...  I have been using this Burt's Bees... but I am almost out...
so I am in the market for something new... any recommendations?

Here's to a pretty week ahead (and hopefully a new baby)!



Secondhand Stella said...

I have that rosewater too. I wish the scent didn't fade so fast :(

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

i had to sneak over here (while working...shhh!) and peek at your F21 fedora hat once more. i think it's gonna be nabbed online today :) i just adore the shape; so thanks for posting about it Laura!

as for beauty buys, these ones are all rocking my bathroom wish list. i'm especially smitten with all things Burt's Bee's and the surf spray. SO good! um, Josie Maran's whole line-up is out of this world too. love to the love!

and girl, you are the furthest thing from a sweaty hippo that there ever was. xo ♥

Alecia said...

I actually love yes to tomatoes body wash. Really refreshing.

xx Alecia with

Rosamapose said...

Absolutely nothing wrong with treating yourself to some fab new products when you can-thanks for the tip on the surf shampoo & conditioner! Going to try them out next :)

Blonde in this City

Diana Mieczan said...

I totally love Burt's Bees too:) Btw: how are you feeling, lovely? xoxox

Ashley said...

hahaha. sweaty hippo. Well I feel that way without being pregnant! :)

Why are you loving the surf shampoo so much? Does it make your hair all beachy?

petal and plume said...

anything bumble and bumble is brilliant! i am adoring your blog!

Diana Mieczan said...

Just checking in to see how are you:) xoxo

Nicole Underwood said...

Love all things Burts Bees and currently using (and loving) Method brand body wash. All the flavors are nice, but the blue labeled one is my current fave.

Ann said...

A beauty binge always makes me happy.
Wonderful choices you have there.

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

PS: i'm checking back religiously and think baby bear is now born so congrats ahead of schedz!!!! i just am cap D-ing for some news....hope all's well sweetheart! thinking of you. xo ♥